Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We teach respect for people of all faiths (or none) and recognise that freedom of religion and religious expression are basic human rights. We encourage all pupils to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Religious Education lessons and PSHE lessons reinforce messages of respect for others.
We further promote understanding of different faiths and religions through a programme of educational visits to places of worship (including churches, cathedrals, synagogues and mosques) and visitors to school. For example, during a recent Islamic Awareness Day, each class participated in a workshop with an Imam and both parents and staff attended similar sessions to promote understanding and assist in the breaking down of stereotypes.
We encourage our school community to be actively involved in charitable activities for the good of others. Through this work the children learn that they can impact positively on the lives of others.