  • Lander Road Primary School,
  • Pennington Road,
  • Litherland,
  • Merseyside,
  • L21 8HY
Home Page Lander Road Primary School Aspiration, Challenge, Opportunity, Respect, Nurture

Equality and Diversity

Lander Road Primary School is an inclusive school where we focus on the well-being and progress of every child and where all members of our school community are of equal worth.  We believe that the Equality Act 2010 provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination and promoting equality and fairness.  We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).


Equality Statistics


During the academic year 2021/22, there were three reported racist incidents or uses of racist terms and no instances of homophobic language being used in school. 


Since the start of this academic year 2022/23, there have been no reported racist incidents or use of racist terms in school and no reported instances of homophobic language being used. 

Whole School 93.8%
  • Year 1 94.5%
  • Year 2 93.5%
  • Year 3 92.1%
  • Year 4 95.1%
  • Year 5 94.2%
  • Year 6 93.5%
  • Delamere 909
  • Mersey 882
  • Sherwood 921
  • Great North 744
Academy conversion information documents can be found in the 'Parents' section.